Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

My children ate today lot of chocolate. And waked up at 5:30 and found all goodies Easter bunny had left to them. But I love them anyway (or because they let me sleep when they are awake).

But about some news. We will leave Germany and move back to Estonia. In this reason I try to less my stash. This would be hard work but I started already. This means I looked after skeins I have only one or only so little left that I cannot do anything usable from this. There are quite lot of yarn like this. So I got idea that I can crochet some little animals like good-by present for my children kindergarten groups. And as my daughter’s group name is “Elephant” I decided to do at least 25 elephants (so many children are in this group) and 15 elephants or some other animals for my son group.

That seams quite lot animals, but when I crochet every day at least one little animal, I will manage. I have already 7 little elephants and one piglet, so there are hope that I will really manage.

What I have did meanwhile? Lot of things. I have finished my jacket,

fingerless opera gloves and one other pair fingerless gloves (what I cannot find anymore for photo).

I finished my “Upside-down” sweater and my little daughter call this “sweater-dress”.

I knitted also one top

and made one shawl in style of “Haapsalu Shawl”.

In style only because I had any so thin yarn this kind of things usually made of.

And while my daugther was really ill, I made for her heart pillow. She had asked this already long time, but to little ill girl I cannot say no, so here it is:

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