Monday, July 16, 2012

I always enjoyed writings from Franklin Habit, but his new column in Lion Brand Yarn'i newsletter inspired me to write. 
As child I almost ate books. I began with more for grownups intended books and in eleventh grade I finished with fairy-tales. Maybe because at first I read all books I could find at home and after that I discovered unlimited possibilities of library. And if I could not put book away I more likely sacrificed my night-rest than interesting story.    I afraid this is so also today. I remember that I had always with me some book. And some teachers let me read book in lessons (more in primary school and of course after I finished my tasks) because I did not disturb lessons then. Latter I found some schoolbooks interesting enough for my reading.
My mother bring back to the memory one time when she wake up on one night and could not find me in my bed. For her luck our apartment was not so big, so she found me soon enough reading in toilet. It was sad story so I read and cried there in middle of night ... 
For his luck, my husband have not "lost" me me like this ... lately, because usually I knitting in our bedroom and looking some movie from computer. And he do not mind (anymore) when I'm saying that I want finish motive or row. Only comment is now "Do not stay wake too late".
Knitting/crochet is very useful also when he drives and I'm sitting next to him. There are considerably less comments about his driving style when I am busy with my knitting. I.e. I have now always with me my book, iPad or computer and my knitting what is not too big for my "small" bag. And lately I have noticed that there are with me my "bag-kntting" AND "car-kntting". For my families luck they yet have place enough in our car ;)

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